I’ve Been Nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Very inspiring blogger award

When I began my blog, I didn’t have any specific goals in mind. Okay,  maybe I hoped  the end result would be a million followers and a six-figure book deal. But really, I started because I am a writer and I have words, thoughts, and ideas banging around in my head all the time, begging me to lead them in a dance on the page (or computer screen). So, I write, not knowing who will read, whether or not they will enjoy it, hate it, be bored by it, or just ignore it. Then something comes along, like this award, and I learn that someone is not just reading, but liking my blog! The lovely Anna at I’m Not Lost, I’m Just Exploring, was kind enough to nominate me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Thank you, Anna, for making my day.

I’ll jump right in; here are the award’s rules:

First: Link back to the page that nominates you (see above)

Second: Post the award image (that’s above, too)

Third: Share 7 random facts about yourself. It’s been a great month for my blog – this is my second award – and the other award called for random facts, too. This is the hardest part, but here goes:

1. I have an uncanny ability to memorize song lyrics. And my singing voice is pretty decent, I’ve been told.

2. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was 7. I still write fiction when I can find a bit of spare time.

3. The only time I’ve had long(ish) fingernails was for my wedding. Piano lessons for 8 years, then years of basketball, then I became a physical therapist – for me long fingernails are impractical and uncomfortable.

4. I’m not a big fan of chocolate covered fruit. I’m a purist. I like my chocolate unadulterated. Though Will at Eclipse Chocolate is challenging me on this one. (Shameless plug for my friend’s amazing San Diego café)

5. I love thunderstorms.

6. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, I’d be cool with tacos.

7. I like making scrapbooks.

The last part of the award: Nominate 15 other blogs and inform them about it. This one is tough, too. Lots of great blogs out there, and I just nominated eleven with the Liebster Award. Here are 15 more that are definitely worth checking out; they range from wildly popular to virtually unknown, but I like them all:

Babies Without Borders

Belle Provence Travels

The Bilingual Experiment

Bilingual Monkeys

Bonjour Mama

Bringing Up Baby Bilingual

Bucket List Publications

Honea Express

Le Franco Phoney

My French Heaven

One Thousand Single Days

The Paris Busy Bee Blog

Patricia Parisianne

Project Light to Life

Turtle and Robot

Go check them out, spread the blog love!

Liebster Award

liebster awardThere’s nothing like an award nomination to boost morale and motivation! A fellow Francophile at Oh Sacré Bleu nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you, and Yay!

This award is a pat on the back for newish bloggers from fellow bloggers, meant to help spread the word about our favorite blogs out there in the blogosphere.

As part of the Liebster award, I must do the following:

  • Post the award on my blog
  • Thank the blogger presenting me with the award and provide a link back to their blog
  • Write 11 random facts about myself (uh-oh)
  • Pay it forward: find 11 other blogs with less than 200 followers that I enjoy reading and nominate them. (This is a tough one! Many blogs I follow have more than 200 followers, or have already been nominated, or I don’t know how many followers they have and couldn’t figure it out, but here are a bunch of really great ones that I’m happy to share. Sadly, I had to leave many of my discoveries off the list.) Okay, so, my dad was a math teacher, leaving me with a strong left brain, and I have to wonder… if every nominee faithfully nominates 11 blogs, after about 10 rounds, we’ve well exceeded human population … but I digress. It’s great to receive and spread blog love.
  • Answer the 11 questions the award presenter asked me, and ask my nominees 11 questions

Here we go:

Random Facts About Me

1. Many of my relatives are cowboys, the real deal (read about them here). I, however, am horribly allergic to horses.

2. I wake up every morning at 5 a.m. to work out.

3. I’m left handed.

4. I’ve sprained my ankles well over 20 times between the two of them. Ridiculous.

5. My mom wouldn’t let me take French in high school, despite me really wanting to. She said, “Carol, you live in Arizona. You’ll never have any occasion to use French. You’ll take Spanish.” Then I married a Frenchman. I like to remind her of this story.

6. I  need a social media detox on a regular basis. I have a crappy little phone with no internet access and I like it that way. I often leave it behind, as well as my laptop – life feels freer and simpler when I disconnect from all devices. I’ll take a paper map over GPS any day.

7. I’ve been to 5 continents. Missing Australia and Antarctica.

8. Even though the bottle says rinse then repeat, I don’t repeat. I’m rebellious like that.

9.I recently discovered that I’m dairy intolerant. It’s really pissing me off.

10.  I’m a redhead. I’ve always been one, and I’ve always liked being one.

11.  I have a doctorate degree in physical therapy.

Eleven Questions from Oh Sacré Bleu

1. Why do you blog? Because I love to write. And I think I found a good subject to blog about.

2. Are you in any way a ‘cultural failure’? i.e. You don’t do something that is typical of your nationality or culture (e.g. an Indian who doesn’t like spicy food, an Irishman who doesn’t drink alcohol etc) I think being a Francophile makes me a cultural failure, doesn’t it? It certainly did during the “freedom fries” craziness. I also don’t like apple pie, I can’t get excited about baseball, and I can’t bring myself to eat a corn dog. I just threw up in my mouth a little thinking about corn dogs.

3. Do you believe in ghosts? If I say no, will the ghosts find out and come to get me?

4. What’s a really bad song that you secretly like? See You Again by Miley Cyrus. Yeah, that’s right. She was in Hannah Montana mode when she rocked this one.

5. One country you can’t wait to visit? Only one? Ok. New Zealand.

6. Dogs or cats? Dogs. Big dogs.

7. Favourite city in the world that you’ve visited? I have to say Paris, right? I love Paris. Not to live, but to visit.

8. Do you collect anything? Randomly and unconsciously, I do. Buttons. The extra ones that come with new clothes. I don’t just collect them, I hoard them. Weirdo.

9. Favourite destination in your own country? Yosemite National Park

Happy happy me, in Yosemite Valley

Happy happy me, in Yosemite Valley

Vernal Falls

Vernal Falls

10. Worst thing about living in my country is…. Angry, hateful, bitter political climate.

11. Best thing about living in my country is….Diversity. People, cultures, food, terrain – you can find it all, here.


My Nominations:

C’est La Vie Cuisine Yummy recipes and a slice of life from a Frenchwoman living in the U.S.

Little Miss Frenchified An American teaching English to Strasbourg high school students.

Multilingual Parenting Advice and insight from a parent who has been there and done that.

Learn French With Jennifer A French teacher married to a Frenchman gives us a word a day. Great resource for French learners.

Stumbling Into Paradise Fun stories of adventures in learning French (complete with stereotypical hardass French teacher) and traveling.

The Head of the Heard Stephen shares his adventures of living in a foreign country and raising a multilingual child.

Au Lit! An Aussie married to a Frenchie living in France

The European Mama A Polish mom married to a German living in the Netherlands and raising three kiddos

Brian Goldsmith Photography For some fantastic armchair traveling

Meg Travels Beautiful photos and anecdotes from around the world

Traveling Frenchies Family of Frenchies, traveling the world


Okay, you guys are up: Eleven Questions for My Nominees

1.     If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

2.    What is the best book you’ve read recently?

3.    What is the nicest thing a random stranger has ever done for you?

4.    Your life will be made into a movie. Who do you want to play you?

5.    What was your favorite childhood toy?

6.    What is your guilty pleasure?

7.    Sweet or savory?

8.    If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

9.    How many and which languages do you speak?

10. What was your favorite subject in school? Least favorite?

11.  If you could have any job other than your current one, what would you do?

Now what are you waiting for? Go check out these blogs! Go!